Saturday, August 6, 2011

hi there..

Salam ramadhan everyone!!

OMG..its been a while since my last post here..i've been bz n LAZY..hahaha
anyway...lots of thing happen during 4 months..

me n mr husband went for vacay at KK..that will be my next post..(please...dont be lazy salfarina..)hahaha..

my 3rd anniversary is coming...i've got the pressie last month!!
hahaha...i even got my birthday pressie in advance..

will post pictures of both when the time come...


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

aku yang kebosanan..


pesal ntah..bosan..malas..all the negative energy...

please go away...i need positive energy...



Friday, March 18, 2011

Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa

mr husband since last year asyik duk ckp psal citer HMM ni..
dia ckp kita kene tgk citer ni..da tayang kt europe n org puji..
i'm kind of excited gak kn nk tgk..

tunggu nye tunggu...sampai lar time nye..
konon nk tgk first day tayang..but since aku x fully recover..
mr husband cakap tunggu aku baik postponed ar ke nx week nye..
since nx week nye aku dpt additional mc sampai rabu..aku suggest kt mr husband
tgk ar rabu..dpt tix murah..da lama giler xtengok wayang hari rabu..hahaha
tapi aku x beli awal2..sbb takut time tu tiba2 sakit ke kn..mana nk tau..
tengok2 time rabu tu nk bli online..da fully book or purchased..damn!!
so aku bli terus tuk hari jumaat sis n her husband pun joint gak..

so..da tgk smlm..what can i say...not too bad..mmg hebat yusry n the team..
of course ar ada nampak kekurangan here n there..
but hey..i would say GOOD JOB!! for first try though..impressive seh...
so..sila la tgk ye..

enjoice the official trailer..:)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

hot mama!!such a hot mama..

she's like 40 kot gilerss...

lagu baru pun catchy..

enjoice her new single..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


first of all...i would like to thanks my mum..sbb jaga aku time recovery process..thanks mama!!even da tua bangka..hikhik..

doc br aku seminggu mc..for the following week nye..mana lg aku nk lepak..umah parents ar kn..ada 3 sbb nape aku nk duduk umah parens aku:
  1. sbb mama bleh mskkn bubur..(ye sy pemalas...hiksss)

  2. sbb badan mmg xsedap langsung n tekak sakit gilers (i'll get to that)

  3. sbb bdk gebok ada kt umah mana..xde ar busan sgt..hikhik

first day bed rest ok..sakit still tolerable..mkn ubat on sbb dpt main ngan gebok..kuikui..keje aku duk tangkap gambar dia jer..sila la lihat sendiri..(gambar ni aku amik sepanjang aku lepak kt umah parents aku)..hikhik

lena sampai nganga..

lena lg..hikhik


yeay..nk jln ngan mama..:)

dlm kete pun tdo!!hahaha..

second day..da start rasa real pain..ya Allah..seyes sakit..aku bgn pagi..gosok bj mr husband (terpaksa gosok gak..tanggungjawab hiksss) pas mr husband pegi keja..aku duk golek..ada satu tahap sampai nangis..seyes..nangis okeh!!

hari2 yg seterusnye still remain the same..sakit ya amps..sampai satu tahap aku xleh nk ckp..gigi aku berlaga sendiri..xtau nape..mayb sbb sakit sangat kot..huhuhu..

then sampai hari jumaat..11 mar 2011..the pain still remain the same..aku duk pk..biar benar nih..aku nk start keje nx week..mana leh gini..then aku call pcmc..cepatkn appointment aku yg sepatutnye hari isnin depan hari sabtu..

sabtu pagi2..still sakit gilerss..jumpa doc..doc ckp luka aku heal mmg bengkak teruk..sebab tu sakit..aku ckp mmg sampai xleh ckp ker??dia ckp yes..

the best part is...the doc siap say sorry...not once..not twice..berkali2 sweet la that doc..dia ckp..n i quote.."i'm so sorry u have to went through so much pain.."over n over againn..hikhik..

then dia prescribed aku ubat yg lg kuat..dia siap pesan aku akan jd drowsy..aku cam ok..slalu doc ckp gitu...but xde effect sgt kt aku..

sampai umah..aku mkn bubur (da sampai muak n xlalu nk ngadap tu jer yg aku leh mkn pung)..mkn ubat yg doc prescribed td..mula2 siap berlagak ngan mama n intan..ala..xngantuk pun..yo on je doc td..after a while..

aku da start rasa semcm..badan aku ringan jer..n xlarat at the same time..bila aku pejam mata..seyes terbang beb!!tu ar agak nye rasa high ek..hikhik..berlagak sgt td!!amik ko!! :P aku di lanjut kn sampai at today..alhamdulillah sakit aku da byk sgt kurang compare ngan last i think i'm ready to go to dalam hati nebes..sbb kompom bertubi2 keje menerjah..wuwuwu..

hopefully aku xkn kene operate for what eva reason..unless sbb beranak ar kn..aminnnnnn...88X


Monday, March 14, 2011

OMT-part 3

what happen after the operation..

sakit!!!of course...daaaa....mmg rasa tekak cam terbakar..n high giler..i think when the nurse woke me up..first thing i said...nk air..sakit rasa nye nurse tu xdgr..wuwuwu

i stayed don't know for how long kt recovery ward tuh..then nurse tolak aku balik ke bilik..sampai dia explain2 apa ntah kt mr husband..mmg mamai to the max..yg aku tau aku tdo even tekak sakit gilerss....

bgn2 aku rasa 2 benda...1st sakit (daaaa!!) and 2nd lapar!!!hahahaha

aku try mkn bubur..masyaAllah...seksa Tuhan je yang tahu..nk telan mmg seksa..

well apa jd after that nurse antar cucuk ubat every 2 hours i think..but the pain still linger..:(
around 3++ am aku terjaga..terasa tangan kiri tempat cucuk n area sekeliling sgt gatal..aku garu bagai nk rak..terasa cam ada bintik2..but aku ignore jer...

nx morning nurse dtg..first aku ckp tgn aku gatal..n pale aku sakit n of course tekak aku sgt2 sakit..dia just cucuk more n more ubat..then doc dtg check..the doc ckp tempat operate aku sgt2 bengkak n advise aku stay for more night..aku pun agree..cos mmg aku xlarat sgt lg..then dia tgk tangan ku yg gatal (n bengkak btw..)..the doc ckp aku allergic ngan plaster tempek kt tempat cucuk tu..then doc tyer rasa2 aku leh telan ubat cecair x..aku ckp bleh tp of course sakit..then dia suh nurse tu cabut tempat cucuk tuh..

tgn yg bengkak n gatal..

tp...xtau nape..nurse tu cabut tempat cucuk tuh..n ckp nk cucuk tgn kanan..i was like what!!!!
tp apakan daya..ikut je husband da duk kt sudut diam2..cos dia mmg seriau ngan jarum..hikhik

baek nye dia tepuk2 tgn kanan aku..then first ckp vein aku kecik n lari..running vein kato eh..ish...sakit tau x..but aku maintain senyum...dia ckp nk try cucuk tempat lain..aku cam ok...

dia tepuk2..then cucuk..siap like korek2 lg..n xberjaya!!!damn u!!!sakit cakap dalam hati jer...still maintain senyum..nape aku xmarah??cos nurse tu sgt baik..mintak maaf berpuluh2 kali..mmg ar ikut hati geram..then dia ckp nk suh other nurse try...

after 2-3 hours gitu datang la other nurse...tepuk nye tepuk...zassssss....berjaya!!!alhamdulillah...

cubaan ke-3..wuwu

after that everything pretty much the same...cucuk ubat...tdo...cucuk ubat...tdo..hahahaha...sbb ubat tu sgt lalok ok!!mr husband pun xde benda nk jap..tdo..kuikuikui

oh...btw..thanks to my dear frens yg dtg melawat..anis n elle (u guys the best!!)..cik su from office..

my parents (dtg both days aku stay kt spital) n my beloved sista n my nephew...


so...on 6th mar aku check out dr pcmc..doc siap buat pesanan penaja...bare in mind salfarina..when u at home..the pain will be so much have to take ur medicine on time ok...aku pk dlm hati...sakit dr skrg..cane ek??guess i just have to wait n see..

so...cane kah sakit nye time duk kt umah??tunggu.....


Saturday, March 12, 2011

OMT-part 2

ok lets continue..hikhik..
after blasah smoothies i tot nk smbg tdo..but end up terkebil2 jer..hahaha..nebes gamaknye..

so aku pun bangun n siap2 kn beg..masukkn barang aku n mr husband gaks..cos mr husband will stay with me..

around 8 aku siap2..then kejut mr husband..we both siap n get ready to go..
sampai PCMC (princecourt medical centre) around 930 gitu..aku check nk check in hotel lak kn..settle sumer nurse dtg pick up aku..tercampak la aku ke ward 4E-12..
nurse tu explain mcm2..then told me that only around 1245 i have to change to the robe..aku cam what???lama lg tuh..apa nk wat lama2..nk tdo kompom xleh..nebes apa lg aku wat...chamwores lar..hahahaha..see it for ur self.

us.. :D
syok sendiri..hiks..
ok..nnt kita sambung apa jd pas my operation ek..
till then...CIAO!!