what happen after the operation..
sakit!!!of course...daaaa....mmg rasa tekak cam terbakar..n high giler..i think when the nurse woke me up..first thing i said...nk air..sakit tekak..hahaha..tp rasa nye nurse tu xdgr..wuwuwu
i stayed don't know for how long kt recovery ward tuh..then nurse tolak aku balik ke bilik..sampai dia explain2 apa ntah kt mr husband..mmg mamai to the max..yg aku tau aku tdo even tekak sakit gilerss....
bgn2 aku rasa 2 benda...1st sakit (daaaa!!) and 2nd lapar!!!hahahaha
aku try mkn bubur..masyaAllah...seksa Tuhan je yang tahu..nk telan mmg seksa..
well apa jd after that nurse antar cucuk ubat every 2 hours i think..but the pain still linger..:(
around 3++ am aku terjaga..terasa tangan kiri tempat cucuk n area sekeliling sgt gatal..aku garu bagai nk rak..terasa cam ada bintik2..but aku ignore jer...
nx morning nurse dtg..first aku ckp tgn aku gatal..n pale aku sakit n of course tekak aku sgt2 sakit..dia just cucuk more n more ubat..then doc dtg check..the doc ckp tempat operate aku sgt2 bengkak n advise aku stay for more night..aku pun agree..cos mmg aku xlarat sgt lg..then dia tgk tangan ku yg gatal (n bengkak btw..)..the doc ckp aku allergic ngan plaster tempek kt tempat cucuk tu..then doc tyer rasa2 aku leh telan ubat cecair x..aku ckp bleh tp of course sakit..then dia suh nurse tu cabut tempat cucuk tuh..
tgn yg bengkak n gatal..
tp apakan daya..ikut je ar..mr husband da duk kt sudut diam2..cos dia mmg seriau ngan jarum..hikhik
baek nye dia tepuk2 tgn kanan aku..then first attempt..fail..dia ckp vein aku kecik n lari..running vein kato eh..ish...sakit tau x..but aku maintain senyum...dia ckp nk try cucuk tempat lain..aku cam ok...
dia tepuk2..then cucuk..siap like korek2 lg..n xberjaya!!!damn u!!!sakit larrrr.....tp cakap dalam hati jer...still maintain senyum..nape aku xmarah??cos nurse tu sgt baik..mintak maaf berpuluh2 kali..mmg ar ikut hati geram..then dia ckp nk suh other nurse try...
after 2-3 hours gitu datang la other nurse...tepuk nye tepuk...zassssss....berjaya!!!alhamdulillah...
cubaan ke-3..wuwu
after that everything pretty much the same...cucuk ubat...tdo...cucuk ubat...tdo..hahahaha...sbb ubat tu sgt lalok ok!!mr husband pun xde benda nk wat...online jap...tdo..online jap..tdo..kuikuikui
oh...btw..thanks to my dear frens yg dtg melawat..anis n elle (u guys the best!!)..cik su from office..
my parents (dtg both days aku stay kt spital) n my beloved sista n my nephew...
so...on 6th mar aku check out dr pcmc..doc siap buat pesanan penaja...bare in mind salfarina..when u at home..the pain will be so much worse..so have to take ur medicine on time ok...aku pk dlm hati...sakit dr skrg..cane ek??guess i just have to wait n see..
so...cane kah sakit nye time duk kt umah??tunggu.....
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