Wednesday, May 6, 2009


lately aku rasa sgt xbest...ada org asyik buat aku rasa tertindas...that person always have a way to make me feel very down...can be very sarcastic and suddenly acted like everything is ok...what the hell is that!!!(do mind my words ya...)

i've try my very best to adapt to the environment n culture..but its seem harder than i tot...oh my...always try to find a way to make my self feel xde kesan...i wish n pray that i can hang on to this...

tariq slalu ckp..bersabarlah ker aku sabar....i really hope i can...haih...


  1. tariq biasalah..

    haha..sabar + sabar + sabar..

    tapi betul jugak n kadang2 kita yang kena berubah utk org..iskk!!
    tapi..bila kita berubah org pijak kepala plak..haihh..

    *x tahan sabar

    *buat muka selamba jekk sal..diorg buat u down..esok2 u buat diorg down balik!! haha
    iiskk..jahat kan:P

  2. hehehe..tu ar...

    mmg tgh try nk wat xtau nih...
    kalo2 pk wat bertambah sakit hati...haih..
